Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snow Snow and More Snow

The snow keeps on falling. Last night and today the winds and snow made it impossible to go anywhere. Roads were closed and many people in the ditch and pile ups on the highways. I could not see much going next door to blow snow today. I am sure it is all drifted back for me to blow Monday. If you are some where warm be happy you are not here.

1 comment:

LS said...

It will stop and be like 60 degrees and all melt in a day. It is Michigan after all. Well, anyway it isn't warm here but at least I'm not scraping a foot of snow off my car in the morning! Soon it will be summer and we will be home for a visit? Are you going to let us camp out in Shaun's room again? I might even fold your laundry. If it ever stops snowing and you have free time from blowing email me!
-Your favorite sister