Sunday, April 22, 2007

Easter Basket

The Easter bunny was here !

Take the wrappers off first !

April or December ?

April showers bring May flowers.
April Show brings May ?

One snow storm was not enough for these flowers. They don't look any better this time.

A lovely Michigan spring

The Easter bunny was easy to track in the snow. Shaun liked his Easter presents I did not like the snow later in the week.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter !

Indian spring (the first spring snow after it has been 70 deg).

The daffodils do not like snow!

The flowers are now frozen

I should have picked them before they froze.

The snow is deep where the crocuses were last week.

Snow in now covering the crocus.

Warmer days before Indian Spring

Happy Easter! The weather was great before Indian spring. Monday it was almost 70. Shaun and I were outside hitting golf balls in shorts. Less than a week later we have winter coats and boots out again. We got about 5" of snow and the forecast is for cold and maybe more snow. When I posted the ice pictures I had hoped the spring was going to be here soon. Spring was here for a couple of days and then in good old Michigan fashion Winter has returned again. I hope it is the last blast before balmy weather. Wishful thinking on my part?

Pancakes and Stuff

I don't think anyone could eat another thing!

There is always a funny story.

Can anyone beat the Playstation Master?

DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).

Who is the best dancer?

Sunday the 31st we had brunch with pancakes, pig in the blankets, and fruit. Mom and Dad, Joe and Lori, and Dane and Bea came to enjoy lunch. We had fun and did some dance dance revolution. The weather was nice and we had the hope that spring was here. It only took a couple days for winter to return.