Sunday, March 18, 2007

Butterfly Fun

Butterflies at the Fredrick Meijer Gardens are out for spring. Shaun and I went to see the butterflies with Joe and Lori this morning. I wasn’t paying attention and did not hang up my coat so I had the camera, camcorder and a coat to keep track of. Consequently it was not easy to get good pictures and my camera does not zoom enough. The butterflies were awesome and my favorites were the large brilliant blue ones. They did not sit still to photograph however. I am not sure if they were new this year but they had clearwing butterflies that were cool. I did get a few nice shots and some from out in the gardens. See Butterflies & Meijer Gardens for the rest of the photos.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Ice Age

The ice pictures have arrived. There was a lot of ice hanging on the front of the house. I took a couple pictures with Shaun and posted them on the last post. The ice was melting and the sun was setting giving a cool backdrop. The sky was blue with nice clouds and the photos turned out kind of cool. The ice has melted and the temps should be in the 50s next week. We may finally be coming out of a long winter. March should be out like a lamb according to the wives tales. We will have to see. See pictures under Ice 1 and Ice 2.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

March Snow

Shaun and I spent some time out in the March snow. The snow was packing and we had a snowball fight and then rolled snowballs down the hill. As you can see Shaun did a little rolling down the snow bank. The afternoon light was great and you can see some of the ice that was hanging off the house. I took some more pics that I will post later of the ice. See Shaun in the Snow for more pics.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

In Like a Lion !!!

In like a Lion out like a Lamb? That is what they say about the month of March. I sure hope so because I am completely sick of winter. The average temperature is supposed to be in the 40’s but the snow keeps falling. We have gotten more snow in march than some whole years. I did the driveway twice yesterday and once today. As soon as I finished the snow started again and the wind started to blow. Will spring ever come? See Like a Lion for more pics.